The Landscaping Committee

The committee is responsible for ensuring the overall appearance of the neighborhood. The Committee makes the Board of Directors aware of situations or concerns affecting the neighborhood in regards to landscaping issues, irrigation as well as making suggestions for improving and changing our common areas.

Responsibilities include monitoring the irrigation system, planting flowers in some of the common areas, clearing drainage areas of debris, maintaining and replacing mulch in playground areas, overseeing the community garden, removing and/or hiring professionals to remove dead and damaged trees, maintaining the lights at entrances, decorating the entrances at Christmas, repairing fences and the bridge along the walking path.

Volunteer workdays will be scheduled from time to time and communicated on our website in Announcements, through email blasts and on Facebook.

Comments, requests and questions should be directed to Cedar Management using the Contact Us or options below.

Mailing Address
PO Box 26844
Charlotte, NC 28221
Office Address
9500 Statesville Road
Charlotte, NC 28269
Toll-Free: (877) 252-3327
Fax: (800) 334-0526